Help us in supporting The Children’s Breakfast Clubs and their Winter Coat Drive! Our Niagara Falls and Waterdown offices will serve as drop off locations for your cleaned or gently used coats, mittens,

What is The Children's Breakfast Clubs?
The Children’s Breakfast Clubs is a non-profit charitable organization that believes every child is entitled to a nutritious breakfast. An estimated 4,000 meals are served each week in the 20+ clubs across the Greater Toronto area. The organizations also support other initiatives such as their Winter Coat Drive.
What exactly is the Winter Coat Drive?
The Children’s Breakfast Clubs’ goal for this year’s Coat Drive is to collect 50,000 clean, good quality, gently used winter coats, hats, mitts and warm winter clothing to ensure no child goes cold. With its support, Youngs Insurance hopes to surpass this goal, ensuring more warmth is spread this winter season.
How can you help?
Drop off your gently used coats and warm winter clothing at one of our participating Youngs Insurance locations anytime from October 1 – December 22. If you don’t live close enough to one of our participating offices, you can call 1-437-836-6222 to make a donation.
*Click on a link to the right for directions, hours and contacts of our locations.
Participating Locations
Niagara Falls
More About TCBC
In 1984, after consultation with community residents and the Metropolitan Toronto Housing Authority, the first Children’s Breakfast Club was opened in the Jane/Falstaff community. It was determined that many community needs and concerns could be addressed with a breakfast program; including a nutritious start to the day, a safe place for parents to leave their children when they go to work and a warm and caring environment where children feel safe and supported. Today, they have programs in 20+ communities. For more info, visit
Youngs #GiveBackOntario Commitment
Youngs Insurance is very passionate about their #GiveBackOntario initiative, as they are dedicated to making a difference in the communities they operate in throughout Ontario. #GiveBackOntario works to inspire and challenge Ontarians to get involved and give back to their communities. This year’s goal is that #BreakfastClubCoatDrive and #GiveBackOntario will motivate the public to participate in this year’s Children’s Breakfast Clubs Winter Coat Drive.