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Home Insurance Broker in Ontario

Get the Best Home Insurance Rates in Ontario

At Youngs Insurance Brokers, we understand that your home is more than just a building; it's where your life happens. That's why we offer tailored home insurance solutions to meet the unique needs of Ontario homeowners. It's time to fortify your home with the protection it deserves. Join us on this journey toward a safer, more secure tomorrow.

Your peace of mind begins here. Welcome to a new era in home insurance.

Get a Quote Now or call us: 1-800-565-8552

Why Home Insurance Is Essential in Ontario

Home insurance is your financial safety net against unexpected and unfortunate events such as fire, theft, vandalism, or natural disasters like floods and windstorms. It covers repairs or replacements for your property and possessions and provides additional living expenses if your home becomes uninhabitable. Plus, with liability coverage, you're protected against lawsuits if someone is injured on your property or you cause damage to another's property.

If you have a mortgage on your house, most lenders will require you to maintain home insurance for the duration of the loan to protect their investment.

Customize Your Coverage

Your Ontario home insurance can be customized to fit your specific needs, offering flexibility in coverage for the structure of your home, personal belongings, and special situations. Whether it's a student away at college or a relative living with you, we ensure everyone under your roof is covered. (Some policies cover family in retirement/ nursing homes).

Types of Coverages Available

In Ontario, home insurance policies typically offer two primary types of coverage: comprehensive and broad. Here's an overview of each:

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage is the most inclusive and extensive form of home insurance available. It provides a wide range of protection for both the physical structure of your home and your personal belongings. This type of coverage safeguards against a broad spectrum of risks, including common perils such as fire, theft, vandalism, windstorms and various other unforeseen events.

With comprehensive coverage, your policy is designed to protect your home and possessions against a vast array of risks unless explicitly excluded within the policy's terms and conditions. The 'all-risk' nature of this coverage implies that unless a specific risk is mentioned as an exclusion in the policy, it is typically covered.

Broad Coverage

Broad coverage, while less inclusive than comprehensive coverage, still offers substantial protection for your home and belongings. It covers most common perils, similar to comprehensive coverage, such as fire, theft, vandalism, and specific natural disasters. However, broad coverage has more limitations compared to comprehensive policies. Certain risks or types of damage may not be covered under a broad policy and would need to be specifically included as additional coverage if desired.

This type of policy typically falls between a basic or standard policy and the more extensive comprehensive coverage. It allows for a balance between coverage breadth and affordability, providing a middle ground between the basic coverage and the more all-encompassing protection of a comprehensive policy.

Each type of coverage and policy offers different protections and can be tailored to suit specific needs and circumstances. Working with an insurance broker can help you understand these variations so you can select the most suitable insurance to safeguard your property and assets.

Optional Coverages

When it comes to home insurance in Ontario, there are optional coverages available that can provide homeowners with extra protection for their properties. These coverages include sewer backup, overland water, (equipment breakdown, or service line coverage) and identity theft coverage.

Sewer backup coverage helps homeowners in the event of damage caused by a sewer backup, including the cost of cleaning, repairs, and replacing damaged property. With the increasing frequency of heavy rainfall and aging infrastructure, sewer backup coverage is becoming more important than ever.

Overland water coverage protects against damage caused by water entering the home from sources such as rivers, lakes, or melting snow. This coverage can be essential for homeowners living in areas prone to flooding or those close to bodies of water.

Identity theft coverage helps homeowners recover from the financial and emotional toll of being a victim of identity theft. This coverage typically includes reimbursement for expenses such as legal fees, lost wages, and credit monitoring services.

By adding these optional coverages to their home insurance policy, homeowners can enjoy enhanced protection for their properties and financial well-being. It is important to discuss these options with an insurance provider to understand the coverage limits and any additional premiums associated with them.

identity theft protection

How Much Does Ontario Home Insurance Cost?

Home insurance premiums are typically calculated based on several factors related to the homeowner and the property. Here are some of the factors that can impact the cost of a home insurance premium:


 Homes in areas prone to flooding or urban areas with higher crime rates may see higher premiums.

Type of Home

Detached homes might have different premiums compared to - semi-detached homes or townhouses.

Coverage Amount

The more comprehensive the coverage, the higher the premium. This includes the cost to rebuild the home and the value of the contents insurance.

Fire Station Proximity

The closer your home is to a fire station, especially a full-time or 24-hour staffed station, the better your rates can be. The rationale is that a shorter distance allows for quicker response times in case of a fire.

Age & Condition of Home

Older homes or those in need of repair can attract higher premiums due to the increased risk of claims.


A higher deductible can lower your premium, but it means you'll pay more out of pocket in the event of a claim.


Many insurers offer discounts for bundled policies, security systems, smoke detectors, and claims-free, which can reduce premiums.

Specific Riders or Add-ons

Additional coverage for overland flooding, sewer backup, or valuable personal items can increase the cost.

Fire Hydrant Proximity

Similar to the proximity to a fire station, being close to a fire hydrant reduces the time it takes to start combating a fire, potentially limiting damage. Insurance companies view homes with nearby hydrants as lower risk.

Age of the Home

Older homes may have higher premiums due to the increased risk of plumbing, electrical, and structural issues. Historical homes or those considered to be of a certain age might require specialized insurance policies due to unique restoration costs. Updates to plumbing, electrical systems, and the roof can positively impact insurance rates, as they decrease the likelihood of claims.

Construction Materials

Homes built with fire-resistant materials, such as brick or stone, often have lower insurance premiums compared to those constructed with more flammable materials like wood. The durability of construction materials against local weather conditions and natural disasters (e.g., stone versus wood in a flood-prone area) is considered.

Roofing Materials and Condition

The type of roofing material and its condition play a significant role. Metal roofs may offer better protection and hence lower premiums than older asphalt shingles. The age of the roof is also critical; newer roofs can lead to reductions in premiums due to the lower risk of leaks and water damage.

How to Save Money on Your Ontario Home Insurance

Finding ways to reduce your home insurance premiums can lead to significant savings over time. By understanding the factors that affect insurance costs and taking proactive steps, you can secure lower rates without compromising on the quality of your coverage. Consider these strategies:

Saving money on home insurance doesn't have to mean cutting corners on coverage. With the right strategies, you can reduce your premiums while still ensuring your home is adequately protected. Here's how you can save money on your home insurance:

Ways to Save Money on Home Insurance:

  • Bundle Your Policies: Combining your home insurance with other policies, such as auto insurance, through the same provider can qualify you for a multi-policy discount.
  • Increase Your Deductible: Opting for a higher deductible—the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in—can significantly lower your premium. Just make sure it's an amount you can comfortably afford in case of a claim.
  • Improve Home Security: Installing a monitored alarm system, smoke detectors, and deadbolt locks can reduce the risk of theft and damage, leading to lower premiums.
  • Upgrade Your Home: Making updates to your home’s electrical, plumbing, heating, and roofing can decrease the likelihood of damage and insurance claims, which can result in lower rates.
  • Review Your Coverage Annually: Your needs can change over time. Regularly reviewing your policy ensures you're not paying for coverage you no longer need.
  • Ask About Discounts: Insurers often offer discounts for being a non-smoker, having a claim-free history, or for homes with recent renovations. Always ask your insurer about available discounts.
  • Shop Around: Rates vary between insurers, so it pays to shop around and compare quotes. Just make sure you're comparing equivalent coverage.
  • Maintain a Good Credit Score: In some areas, a higher credit score can lead to lower insurance premiums, as insurers view it as an indicator of lower risk.

By implementing these strategies, you can manage your home insurance costs more effectively while keeping your home well-protected.

Each type of coverage and policy offers different protections and can be tailored to suit specific needs and circumstances. Working with an insurance broker can help you understand these variations so you can select the most suitable insurance to safeguard your property and assets.

Optional Coverages

When it comes to home insurance in Ontario, there are optional coverages available that can provide homeowners with extra protection for their properties. These coverages include sewer backup, overland water, home-sharing, earthquake, and identity theft coverage.

Sewer Backup Coverage

Helps homeowners in the event of damage caused by a sewer backup, including the cost of cleaning, repairs, and replacing damaged property. With the increasing frequency of heavy rainfall and aging infrastructure, sewer backup coverage is becoming more important than ever.

Overland Water Coverage

Protects against damage caused by water entering the home from sources such as rivers, lakes, or melting snow. This coverage can be essential for homeowners living in areas prone to flooding or those close to bodies of water.

Home-Sharing Coverage

Designed for homeowners who rent out their properties on different home-sharing platforms. This coverage protects against losses that may occur while the property is being rented out, such as damage to the property or liability claims from guests.

Identity Theft Coverage

Helps homeowners recover from the financial and emotional toll of being a victim of identity theft. This coverage typically includes reimbursement for expenses such as legal fees, lost wages, and credit monitoring services.

By adding these optional coverages to their home insurance policy, homeowners can enjoy enhanced protection for their properties and financial well-being. It is important to discuss these options with an insurance broker to understand the coverage limits and any additional premiums associated with them.

How Can I Save Money on My Ontario Home Insurance?

A few ways you can reduce your homeowner’s insurance premium are:

  • Bundle your home and auto policies  
  • Pay your premiums annually
  • Invest in a monitored home security system
  • Install an automatic water shut-off system
To learn more ways you can save on your home insurance, click here.

Does Home Insurance Cover Your Home Business?

If you have a home-based business, you have two main coverage options. You can either add home-based business onto your home insurance policy if it qualifies or you can separate your home and business coverage. The first option is usually the lower-cost option. The second option gives you more coverage. Speak with your insurance broker to determine which option is best for your home-based business.

What is Replacement Cost Value?

Replacement cost value, is the amount of insurance money you have to rebuild your home from scratch in the event the home was destroyed.  This value is different from the market value of your home. Here are some of the common factors that affect your home’s replacement cost:

  • Size or square footage
  • Finished basement
  • Finished garage
  • Age
  • Custom features
  • Renovations

What Is a Single Limit of Insurance or Combined Limit Coverage?

This coverage provides a single limit for expenses for your dwelling, detached private structures, contents and additional living expenses.  For example, it can pull from the other insured coverages on your policy if there is a shortage amount of coverage.

Why Is Keeping an Inventory of Your Items so Important?

Being aware of the value of the items within your home can help you determine the best amount of coverage you should have within your policy. It is also a way to have proof of the items you own in the event of an insurance claim. It is one of the best ways to be prepared before an event of loss occurs. It is important to have the inventory list done electronically so it is accessible anywhere, or if done on paper, to be stored in a safety deposit box or with a trusted relative, in case of fire in your dwelling. You can learn more, and download a printable Home Inventory Checklist here.

keeping inventory of items on laptop

What Home Insurance Discounts Could I Be Eligible For?

Your Ontario insurance broker can be a great resource in informing you of possible discounts you may be eligible for on your home insurance. You may want to talk to your insurance broker about the possible following discounts.

  • Claims-free discount
  • Mature client discount- if you are 50 years or older, you may be eligible for a discount
  • New home discount – if you have a home that has been newly built, you may qualify for a discount on your home insurance.
  • Monitored fire and burglar alarm
  • Non-Smoker discount
  • Backwater valves, alarmed sump pumps

What Is a Personal Umbrella Policy and Why Should an Ontario Homeowner Consider Adding One to Their Policy?

A personal umbrella policy is an additional form of liability insurance that provides extra coverage beyond the limits of a homeowner's primary insurance policies, such as home insurance or auto insurance. An umbrella policy can act as a crucial safety net, protecting against unforeseen events or lawsuits that might exceed the limits of traditional home insurance coverage. It's an extra layer of protection that provides peace of mind, financial security, and comprehensive coverage, making it a valuable addition to the insurance portfolio of any homeowner.

umbrella policy for homeowners

Why Choose Us

We have been providing insurance with integrity for over 110 years. With a proven track record of reliability, exceptional customer service, and a range of coverage options that fit various budgets, we've earned the trust of countless homeowners. Our expertise and dedication set us apart, making us the premier choice for comprehensive and reliable home insurance.

We proudly serve 30 cities throughout Ontario, Canada

We work with 25 leading insurance carrier partners you recognize and can trust. One of the advantages of working with a Youngs Insurance Broker is we work for you, the consumer, not an insurance company.

Committed to the communities we serve: Youngs Insurance generously gives back to the communities we serve throughout Ontario. Our impact is unique to our brokerage and is a significant part of our legacy. In 2016, we established our #GiveBackOntario program, an initiative directed to inspire others to give back alongside us. We truly believe that together we can make a difference.

Get In Touch With Us

At Youngs Insurance Brokers, we understand the factors that affect home insurance premiums in Ontario and can help you make informed decisions and find the best comprehensive policy for your needs and develop a custom insurance plan for you. To receive a quote or for any home insurance questions call us at 1-800-565-8552 or click here to get an online quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is home insurance and why do I need it?
Home insurance provides financial protection for your home and belongings in case of damage, theft, or loss. It covers the structure, personal property, liability claims, and additional expenses. If you have a mortgage on your house, most lenders will require you to maintain home insurance for the duration of the loan to protect their investment.
What are the most common home insurance claims?
Water damage, wind/hail damage, fire damage, theft, liability claims from injuries, and broken personal possessions are some of the most common claims.
How are home insurance premiums calculated?
Factors like location, age of home, deductible amount, home features, credit score, and claims history impact premium costs.
What is liability coverage in home insurance?
Liability coverage protects you if someone is injured on your property or you damage someone else's property. It covers legal fees and damages awarded. Click here to learn why your personal insurance liability coverage needs to be $2 million.
What is personal property contents insurance?
Contents insurance covers belongings like furniture, clothing, and electronics against damage, theft, or loss. This coverage typically protects against damage or loss caused by perils such as fire, theft, or wind. Depending on the policy, contents insurance may also cover damage or loss of personal belongings outside of the home, such as items stolen from a car or while travelling.
What is other structures coverage in home insurance?
Other structures coverage is a type of insurance coverage that is typically included as part of a homeowner's insurance policy. This coverage protects structures on the homeowner's property that are not attached to the main dwelling, such as a detached garage, shed, fence, or gazebo. It is designed to provide financial protection for damage or loss caused by covered perils, such as fire, theft, vandalism, or natural disasters.
What is dwelling insurance?
Dwelling insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides coverage for the structure of a home, including the walls, roof, floors, and foundation. It is designed to provide financial protection for damage or loss caused by covered perils, such as fire, wind, hail, lightning, or other natural disasters. The coverage typically includes the cost of repairing or rebuilding the home, up to the policy limits. When purchasing dwelling insurance, homeowners need to ensure that the policy limits are adequate to cover the value of the home.
How does my credit score impact my home insurance premium?
Insurance companies have found a correlation between a person's credit history and the likelihood of filing insurance claims. Typically, individuals with higher credit scores tend to file fewer claims, while those with lower scores might be considered riskier and more likely to file claims. A higher credit-based insurance score might result in a lower insurance premium for your home. Conversely, a lower score could lead to a higher premium.

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