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A Helpful Plumbing Winterization Guide

Posted Jan 22nd, 2020 in Media, General, Insurance Tips, Home Insurance, Did You Know?, In the News

Winter is here and if you haven’t winterized your plumbing yet or are unsure how too, we’ve got you covered with a helpful guide!

A Helpful Plumbing Winterization Guide, Youngs Insurance, Ontario

The last thing you need is a plumbing issue this winter, whether it’s a pipe freezing and bursting or water flow issues, it is all a major hassle. To help you avoid such scenarios, be sure to review our plumbing winterization steps.  

5 Plumbing Winterization Steps

Step 1 | Shut off the external water supply

Locate and shut-off the external water supply valve. Remove hoses and store indoors; open all external faucets to let out any residual water.

Step 2 | Install faucet cover

Installing a faucet cover is inexpensive and helps prevent snow and ice from accumulating in and around the faucet.

Step 3 | Insulate accessible water pipes

Insulating your pipes is a good step to take to avoid freezing pipes.  Many products are available to achieve this, just ask your local hardware store. For pipes, you are concerned about but cannot reach contact a certified plumber.

Step 4 | Ensure foundation vents are closed

If you have vents that lead to your home's foundation, it’s a good idea to make closing them a part of your plumbing winterization process.  This will help prevent external pipes from freezing and, keep warm air in the basement/crawl space.

Step 5 | Irrigation system winterization

If you do not drain the eater lines of your irrigation system in the winterization process you are running the risk of a pipe freezing and bursting. This can lead to a costly repair bill come spring.  Line draining is best done by a licenced professional.

We hope our plumbing winterization guide helps you avoid a wet and messy disaster this winter! If you’re looking for other ways to prepare your home for winter, read this.

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