This Movember, join us #TeamYoungsInsurance and help spread awareness on the men's health crisis with these fun ideas - #InsureTheMo.

#WhyWeMo – we want to make a difference and change the face of men’s health. Make sure you have your mustaches ready!
What is Movember?
The Movember Foundation was established in 2003 and has since grown to be a global organization raising funds to better the lives of men. The state of men’s health is in crisis, Movember helps stop men from dying young.
Join Our Team | #InsureTheMo
We would love for you to join our team! The more Mo Bros and Mo Sistas the merrier! If you are interested in joining our team, please visit our team page.
How can you participate?
- Grow a Mo
- Move for Movember > commit to running/walking 60km through November at your own pace (60km represents 60 men we lose each hour to suicide, across the world)
- Hose a Mo-Ment > rally a crew and do something fun and easy
- Mo Your Own Way > create your own challenge i.e. a test of physical endurance or a not-so-sweaty-pledge
Did you know?
- Men die on average 6 years earlier than women
- 1 in 7 Canadian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime
- Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men
- 3 out of 4 suicides in Canada are men
- Each year more than 4,000 men die from prostate cancer
- Suicide is the second leading cause of death among Canadian men aged 15-44
Youngs Insurance is very passionate about their #GiveBackOntario initiative, as they are dedicated to making a difference in the communities they operate in throughout Ontario. #GiveBackOntario works to inspire and challenge Ontarians to get involved and give back to their communities.