With the arrival of colder temperatures, we know winter is around the corner, which is why it’s time to start thinking about storing your recreational vehicle.

Storing your vehicle for the winter will help avoid damage from the harsh weather and roads. Before you put your vehicle into storage, be sure you follow our tips to ensure it goes smoothly!
Four Vehicle Storage Tips for Winter
#1 Clean your vehicle
Thoroughly cleaning your vehicle inside and out not only makes it look nicer, but also prevents dirt and acidic materials from eating away causing rust.
#2 Change the fluids
Having clean oil, fuel stabilizer, brake fluid and a full tank of gas will help protect your vehicle while it’s in storage for the winter and will help it run smoother when spring comes.#3 Protect your vehicle
The best way to prevent the winter elements from damaging your vehicle is to keep it covered, whether it’s in your garage, a local storage facility or at a family member’s home. If you plan on keeping your vehicle outdoors, consider using a weatherproof car cover.
#4 Check tires and brakes
Inflate your vehicle’s tires to their maximum air pressure, so they can slowly deflate as the winter temperature drops. Also, don’t engage your parking brake as it may become frozen. Instead, use chocks (wedges placed under vehicle tires) to ensure your vehicle doesn’t roll away.
Don’t forget to start the vehicle periodically and be sure to open all exterior doors and windows wherever you are storing your vehicle for ventilation. We hope these tips help keep your car in great shape while in storage over the winter.
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