Jump on the Big Bike with Youngs Insurance in support of the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Whether you start your own team or join ours it all helps to change the lives of those impacted by heart disease and stroke in Canada.

What is Big Bike?
The Big Bike is literally just that – one big bike with 30 seats. For 20 minutes and two kilometers, we work as a team committed to supporting The Heart & Stroke Foundation and its deserving research. Together, while peddling through our neighborhood we are helping spread awareness, resulting in more survivors.
Youngs Big Bike
Since 2011, Youngs Insurance Brokers Inc. has participated in the Big Bike event supporting the Heart & Stroke Foundation. To date, we have raised over $8,000 for this worthy organization. Each year we work to increase our team size, with hopes for two BIG BIKE races next year!
Heart & Stroke Statistics
The progress that has been made over the past 60 years is remarkable. The Heart & Stroke Foundation reports that death rates have declined by more than 75 percent. However, heart disease and stroke remain leading causes of death and hospitalization in Canada. The following statistics have been taken from the Heart & Stroke Foundation’s website:
- An estimated 1.6 million Canadians are living with heart disease or the effects of a stroke.
- 1.3 million Canadians are living with heart disease.
- More than 400,000 Canadians are living with long-term stroke disability.
- In 2012, more than 66,000 Canadians died from heart disease or stroke. That’s one person every 7 minutes.
- Each year more than 350,000 Canadians are hospitalized for heart disease or stroke.
- Up to 80% of premature heart disease and stroke is preventable by adopting healthy
behaviours . - Source.
Big Bike Pictures
Youngs Insurance is very passionate about their #GiveBackOntario initiative, as they are dedicated to making a difference in the communities they operate in throughout Ontario. #GiveBackOntario works to inspire and challenge Ontarians to get involved and give back to their communities.