If you think having an emergency kit in your car is only for winter, you’re wrong! It’s imperative to have an emergency kit in your car all year; you never know when you may need it.

Anything can happen while you’re driving and that’s why it’s important to always be prepared for an emergency. Not to mention anywhere you travel to (in your car) this spring/summer you’ll know you have what you need.
20 Items That Make Up Your Emergency Car Kit
Here is a list of essential items that you should keep in your car emergency kit:
- Blankets and extra clothing
- Plastic warning triangles or flares – it’s important that you make yourself visible to others in case you are stranded at the side of the road – they help to prevent accidents
- Flashlight and extra batteries – tip: LED batteries last longer
- Booster cables
- Cell phone charger
- A small gas container in case you run out
- Window washer fluid
- A small tool kit
- Duct tape – its ability to hold anything together could be very useful
- First aid kit
- Emergency food that should be replaced if expired
- Heat source - candle, matches and an empty can – the candle in the can provides heat and light
- Rope or tow strap – just in case your car gets stuck in a snow bank or ditch
- Warm clothing like wool socks, mittens, hats, and footwear in case the clothing you are wearing gets wet
- Spare tire
- Fire extinguisher
- Water
- Paper towels or rags
- Phone charger
- Work gloves
We hope you found this list of items helpful. Having a well-stocked emergency car kit will be extremely useful in a time of need and it’s better to be safe than sorry.
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