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Summer Safety Driving Tips

Posted Aug 2nd, 2016 in Media, General, Auto Insurance, Did You Know?, In the News

Summer is in full bloom in Ontario! Due to this, we thought we would share our summer safety driving tips, to keep our roads safe this season.

Staying safe on the road this summer

Summer Safety Driving Tips, Youngs Insurance, OntarioDid you know that there are more fatalities on Ontario roads in the summer months than in the winter season?  In addition, according to the Canada Safety Council, they estimate that 85 percent of all collisions are preventable. This is a frightening statistic, one that we feel we can change by providing more information to Ontarians.

During the summer months, there are more people are on the roads visiting friends and family, driving to the cottage, enjoying day trips or holidays, which is why we felt it was important for us to share with you tips for safe driving this summer.

Summer Safety Driving Checklist

If you are heading on the Ontario roads this summer, be sure to follow our summer safety driving checklist.

  1. Vehicle Maintenance – Ensure your vehicle working properly and it has been maintained with necessary repairs, including fluids topped up, tire pressure checked and all lights working correctly.
  2. Passengers – It is essential that your passengers are wearing their safety belts at all times and they are protected from any objects in the vehicle (secure all objects to ensure they do not move within your vehicle).
  3. Speed Limit – Follow the speed limit at all times, this is essential considering “speeding increases the likelihood and severity of a crash.”
  4. Vehicles, Motorcycles & Pedestrians – Always be on the lookout for everything that may be on the roads with you, including other vehicles, motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians.
  5. Stay Alert – If you are driving distances this summer, be aware if you are feeling tired. It is important to use rest stops when needed.
  6. No Alcohol – never drink and drive.
We hope that you have found our summer driving safety tips informative; they were adapted from The Canada Safety Council. If you are planning a road trip this summer and have any questions about your auto insurance coverage, do not hesitate to contact your Youngs Insurance broker today!

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