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Reasons Why Hand Signals Are Important

Posted Sep 12th, 2018 in Motorcycling Tips

As a motorcycle rider, there’s so much you have to know in order to keep yourself safe.  Knowing hand signals is a helpful way to effectively communicate with other riders.

Reasons Why Hand Signals Are Important, StreetRider Insurance, Ontario

Even though there are several devices you can buy to help communication between riders, there are some instances when those won’t help.  These devices help those traveling in your group but you cannot use them to communicate with a random rider on the road. 

Hand signals are universal and can help riders avoid dangerous situations.  There are also very specific signals that are especially useful for group rides. 

Listed below are some common hand signals to learn whether you are driving alone or with a group:

Common Hand Signals to Learn

  1. Right Turn: arm out, bent at 90-degree angle, fist clenched
  2. Left Turn: arm and hand extending left, palm facing down
  3. Stop: arm extended straight down at 90-degree angle, palm facing back
  4. Hazard on the Roadway: point left or right, depending on where the hazard is
  5. Turn Signal: open and close hand with fingers and extend the thumb

Group Motorcycle Hand Signals

  1. Speed Up: arm extended straight out, palm facing up, swing upward
  2. Slow Down: arm extended straight out, palm facing down, swing down to your side
  3. Follow Me: arm extended straight up from shoulder, palm forward
  4. Single File: arm and index finger extended straight up
  5. Pull Off: arm positioned as for right turn, forearm swung toward a shoulder

Whether riding alone or riding with a group, hand signals provide extra safety for you and other motorcyclists because they are visible and common communication signals. 


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