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Tis the Season to Install Christmas Lights Safely

Posted Nov 26th, 2018 in Media, General, Insurance Tips, Auto Insurance, Did You Know?, In the News

Tis the season for decorating your home with festive Christmas lights! Before you begin this merry tradition, be sure you review our holiday installation safety tips.

Tis the Season to Install Christmas Lights Safely, Youngs Insurance, Ontario

Setting the stage for Christmas

It’s true, getting the Christmas lights out and ready to put onto the house is a tedious process. There are always tangles and lights not lighting up to contend with. However, all the frustration is worth it, as your Christmas lights set the stage for the holiday season, making your home look beautiful and festive.

Avoiding disaster this holiday season

When it comes to installing outdoor Christmas lights at your home, you can never be too careful. If feasible, consider hiring a professional, if not, make sure you have someone assisting you. Remember, if you are climbing a ladder to install lights on your home’s roof, have someone there to spot you.

Our safety tips for installing Christmas lights at your home will ease your pain and ensure your Christmas is free from disaster.

10 Safety tips for installing Christmas lights  

  1. Inspect all the plugs and cords for damage and replace those that look worn or are damaged
  2. Be sure to use indoor lights for inside your home and outdoor lights outside your home
  3. Use a surge protector to prevent a power overload
  4. Check your electrical system by inspecting your home’s outdoor outlets and plugs
  5. Spread out the lights instead of clustering them to prevent the lights from overheating
  6. Make sure the extension cords you use for your home are rated for outdoor use
  7. If you are using replacement bulbs, ensure they are the correct size and wattage
  8. Do not install lights on outdoor trees that are in contact with power lines
  9. Never connect more lights together than the recommended number of light strings
  10. Never leave lights on when you go to bed or leave the house.

We hope you found our Christmas light installation safety tips useful and that you enjoy a very Merry Christmas!

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