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How To Protect Your Car From Hail Damage

Posted May 20th, 2020 in CARINSURANCE

How To Protect Your Car From Hail Damage, SnapQuote Insurance, Ontario

Hail damage can cause dents to the roof or hood of your car, or even cracks on the windows or windshield. Here are some tips to protect your car in the next hailstorm!

Hailstorms are most common in southern Ontario and the southern Prairies in Canada during the summer months. 

Keep Your Car Safe During A Hailstorm

If You Can Avoid The Hail, Do It

Before you hit the road, check the weather and set up alerts on your phone. If you know a big hailstorm is on its way, it might be best to postpone the trip and keep your car in the garage until the hail passes.

What To Do When Caught In A Hailstorm

Hailstorms can impact your visibility on the road, big time, so it's best to pull over. Try and find a safe spot where you're sheltered like under a bridge, under an overpass, or underground parking. If you can’t find a covered spot to wait out the storm, do your best to tuck your vehicle behind a building so it can be sheltered a bit, or angle your car so that the hail is hitting your windshield, as it is built to withstand more than your windows. Also, since you never know when you're going to be stuck in a storm and for how long, here are some things you should have in your car year-round.

What To Do If You Don’t Have A Garage

You're safe inside from an upcoming hailstorm but your car is unprotected in your driveway... what to do? Some people have hail car covers, but heavy blankets strapped down so they won’t blow away can do the trick in a pinch if there's intense hail.

Check To See What Your Car Insurance Covers

Damage to your car caused by hail could be covered under your insurance, depending on the type of coverage you have on your policy. It’s worth talking to your broker and seeing what your current policy protects. After the storm, take a walk around your car and check for any damage. If there are dents or cracks, take pictures and contact your broker to see if you should put in an insurance claim. 

Stay safe out there when those ice pellets start falling from the sky!

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