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How To Choose Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

Posted Dec 30th, 2020 in ADVICE

How To Choose Realistic New Year’s Resolutions, SnapQuote Insurance, Ontario

Well, this year has come to an end, and what a year it was. Let’s enter 2021 with a new perspective and goals for ourselves. Here are ways to choose new year's resolutions you’ll actually stick to.

Tap into your inner self and think of goals for the new year that are true to you, and that you'll actually be motivated to work towards. 

How To Choose New Year’s Resolutions

1 | Review The Past Year

What went well for you and what didn’t? What are you proud of and what do you wish you did differently? When we look at our successes and disappointments, we can have a better idea of what our goals could be for the upcoming year. This can apply to career, relationships, education and personal growth. 

2 | Simple Is Good

You have to be realistic. Reel yourself in from "I want to travel the world", to "I will visit a country I’ve never been to before." Maybe you want to be more “at peace” but what does that mean exactly? Set realistic and attainable goals that you can easily measure - and hold yourself accountable.

3 | A Timeline Helps

New year's resolutions don’t need to all fall under the vague category of “I need to do this by the end of the year." Having a timeline or breaking up the goals over the course of the year means you'll be less likely to forget about them. 

4 | Use The People In Your Corner

Telling a partner, friend, co-worker, or someone in your corner who supports you can help you achieve your goals. Maybe they are also working towards similar resolutions and the buddy system will encourage you. Your supporters can hold you accountable, motivate you and be your cheerleader when you need it.

Making new year resolutions is a step towards positive change, and who wouldn't want that in their life?

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