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Thanksgiving Weekend: Safe Driving

Posted Oct 8th, 2015 in General, Auto Insurance, Did You Know?, In the News

Thanksgiving weekend is almost upon us; a time where we reflect on the people and things in our life we are grateful for. This holiday is a time for celebrating with family and with that we must remind you of the importance of responsible safe driving and the introduction of Operation Impact.

Youngs Insurance safe driving tips for the Thanksgiving HolidayOperation Impact is a national program that seeks to provide the public with awareness on safe driving as well, it aims to educate on the issues that plague our highways during the holidays. These issues become a focus for police during the holiday season, which is why Operation Impact is so important in influencing safe driving.

Throughout this holiday weekend, Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) will be on alert for any driving that endangers the safety of those on the road. Their focus will be on Distracted Driving, Aggressive Driving, Seatbelt Use, and Impaired Driving.  As citizens it is our duty to make the right choices to arrive alive, and not put the wellbeing of others at risk. The OPP have outlined the choices we should all be making to ensure safe driving, which are;

  1. Operating a motor vehicle in a sober state
  2. Wearing seatbelts properly and at all times while in motion
  3. Obeying the posted speed limits and following at a safe distance
  4. Using only hands-free communication devices while operating a motor vehicle

We can all make a difference; let’s do our part in ensuring a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend! Promote safe driving by planning ahead. Youngs Insurance would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

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